Friday, June 12, 2015

Bermudagrass Winterkill Again?

Some are suffering through another year of bermudagrass winterkill in Indiana. Much different than last year where winterkill was widespread and there were many different causes (too cold, too wet, too shaded, etc.), the primary cause for winterkill in 2014-2015 in Indiana appears to be confined to immature bermudagrass. Those that were not able to replant in 2014 until after July 1 or those whose bermudagrass recovered very little in 2014 seem to be hit the hardest. As such, we encourage all those who anticipate planting or replanting bermudagrass in 2015 to try and plant this month (June) to increase the odds of their bermudagrass surviving the 2015-2106 winter.

We are continuing to examine the cold hardiness of various bermudagrass cultivars. Our bermudagrass research plots at Purdue were almost entirely killed this past winter with only one entry, Yukon, seeming to do well thus far. All others were severely injured and we are in the process of reestablishing these bermudagrass plots to try and learn more about the adaptation of certain bermudagrass cultivars to the Midwest. Stay tuned for more results as they become available.

For more information on bermudagrass winterkill, see these previous turf tips.
Warm-season Turf Winterkill 2014: What Can you Expect and NOW WHAT? (March 12, 2014)
Winterkill Here on Bermudagrass! Now What? (June 27, 2014)

For more information regarding bermudagrass winterkill on the east coast this year, read these recent postings.
Winterkill of Bermudagrass in North Carolina
Winterkill hits Carolinas

Aaron Patton and Cale Bigelow

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