Wednesday, December 23, 2015

New Turfgrass Insect Publications Now Available

Two new and one revised turfgrass entomology publications are available.

Turfgrass Insect Management
This publication provides property owners and turfgrass management professionals with basic information to: (1) properly identify the most common turfgrass insect pests of Indiana and adjacent states, (2) recognize insect damage, (3) understand insect biology, and (4) formulate safe and effective pest management strategies.

Managing Billbugs in Turfgrass
This publication provides turfgrass management professionals and property owners with information to help them (1) properly identify the most common billbug species with turfgrass in Indiana and adjacent states, (2) understand billbug biology, (3) recognize billbug damage, and (4) formulate safe and effective billbug management strategies.

Protecting Pollinators from Insecticide Applications in Turfgrass
This publication provides turfgrass management professionals with suggestions aimed at minimizing the potential negative impacts of neonicotinoids and other insecticides on pollinators.

by Doug Richmond, Associate Professor and Turfgrass Entomology Extension Specialist

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