Still time left to sign up for Indiana Green Expo to be held Jan 11-13!
Contact Jennifer Biehl with any questions.
Annual bluegrass
Catchweed bedstraw
Common chickweed
Corn Speedwell
Prickly lettuce
Purple deadnettle
Sheperd’s purse
Aaron Patton, Turfgrass Extension Specialist
Below are links to documents useful to turf professionals who applied Imprelis® last fall or this spring. More information is available at and at (866) 796-4783.
Information From DuPont:
Imprelis Status Mailer to Users & Dealers (September 20, 2011)
DuPont Imprelis return & refund letter to applicators (October 17, 2011)
DuPont Imprelis return & refund letter to distributors (October 17, 2011)
The answer to that specific question is that we do not recommend that clippings from lawns treated with Imprelis® (aminocyclopyrachlor) be used in the composting. Even if Imprelis® was applied 6 months ago (applied in April, today’s date October 12) there still could be some Imprelis® residue present in the clippings or the soil. Although any herbicide residue may be minimal from a spring application, we 1) don’t fully understand how long Imprelis® lasts in the soil or the grass clippings and 2) Imprelis® is active at very low rates and thus even if just a little is left it could be enough to cause injury on a susceptible ornamental plant such as tomatoes in the garden or flowers in the landscape.
The Imprelis label states “Do not use grass clippings from treated areas for mulching or compost, or allow for collection to composting facilities. Grass clippings must either be left on the treated area, or, if allowed by local yard waste regulations, disposed of in the trash. Applicators must give verbal or written notice to property owner/property manager/residents to not use grass clippings from treated turf for mulch or compost.”The Imprelis® label does not state how long not to remove clippings. Eternity, 1 year, 2 months? It simply does not say. Therefore, I recommend not to use clippings from Imprelis® treated lawns in compost.
What about other herbicides? Other herbicides applied to residential turf may have label language as well that restricts clippings from being collected. The Dimension® 2EW (dithiopyr) label also states “Do not use clippings from treated turf for mulching around vegetables or fruit trees.” Like the Imprelis® label, the Dimension® 2EW label also does not specify how long to wait after treating before clippings can be safely harvested. Another herbicide, Drive® XLR8 (quinclorac), states that “Clippings from the first three mowings after application should be left on the treated area”. This label makes it a little clearer when it is safe to harvest clippings. Most labels contain no reference whatsoever to “clippings”.Therefore, language varies from label to label regarding the use of clippings for mulch or compost following a herbicide application. In most cases I would recommend not using clippings from a lawn treated with herbicide within one-month (approximately 3 mowings) unless the label states otherwise such as with Imprelis®.
Aaron Patton, Turfgrass Extension Specialist
On September 6, DuPont began a process to fairly resolve claims for impact on trees that DuPont™ Imprelis® herbicide may have caused. Below are links to documents useful to turf professionals who applied Imprelis® last fall or this spring. More information is available at and at (866) 796-4783. The deadline for submission of claims is November 30, 2011.
Note on fall fertilization: Fertilizing affected trees and shrubs during 2011 is not recommended, but fertilization of the turf in the fall of 2011 is recommended per normal turf fertilizer recommendations (see recent turf tips on September 1, 2011). When damaged trees and shrubs are surrounded by turf, take care to fertilize outside the drip line of damaged trees so not to stimulate new growth of the trees.
Letter to Lawn Care Professionals from DuPont
Claims Resolution Process Lawn Care Professional Overview
Letter to Golf Course Superintendents from DuPont
Photography Instructions Before Removing Trees
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - The right combination of compounds produced by a beneficial fungus could lead to grasses that require fewer pesticides and are safer for wildlife and grazing animals, according to Purdue University scientists. Read More
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Below par looks great on the leaderboard but never when it describes the appearance and playability of golf course putting greens. Purdue University researchers are working to help course managers produce winning greens at lower cost and with less labor. Read more.
Although the Purdue University Turf Program publishes information about how to fertilize your turf with nitrogen (N)-based fertilizers including standard rates and timings, there are many factors that influence these rates and timings. It is important that each turf area be fertilized according to its needs. For example, some areas require more nitrogen fertilization because they are highly trafficked and need additional nitrogen fertilization to promote growth and recovery. In another example, some older, well-established lawns may need less nitrogen fertilization because they have more organic matter in the soil (a natural source of some N fertilization). See the table below for more of these examples and make sure to customize your fertilization program to fits your turf needs.
Q: What action has the Office of Indiana State Chemist (OISC) recently taken concerning Imprelis®?
A: The OISC issued a stop sale, use, or removal order (SSURO) on August 1, 2011 for the herbicide Imprelis®. The OISC has reason to believe that DuPont Imprelis® Herbicide, EPA Reg. #352-793, when used as directed or in accordance with commonly recognized practice, has caused injury to non-target vegetation, except weeds to which it has been applied, and is therefore MISBRANDED. Therefore, the OISC is hereby issuing a STOP SALE, USE OR REMOVAL ORDER (SSURO) to DuPont Professional Products. This SSURO requires DuPont Professional Products to cease all sale, distribution and use of DuPont Imprelis® Herbicide, EPA Reg. #352-793, in the State of Indiana, effective immediately. This SSURO pertains to any and all quantities and sizes of DuPont Imprelis® Herbicide, EPA Reg. #352-793, within the ownership, control or custody of DuPont Professional Products wherever located. In addition, DuPont Professional Products shall not commence any movement of this product from any present location without prior written approval from the OISC. Any person violating the terms or provisions of this SSURO shall be subject to civil or criminal penalties as set forth in IC 15-16-4.
Q: What is the stance of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning Imprelis®?
A: On August 11, The EPA issued a SSURO for the herbicide Imprelis®. Previously, the EPA issued a letter to DuPont on August 3, 2011 stating two concerns. First, that the EPA is considering issuing an SSURO (described above). Second, the EPA is concerned about the lack of information that is being provided by DuPont to the public concerning the efficacy of Imprelis®. The EPA “strongly encourages DuPont to reconsider” providing information related to the phytotoxicity studies related to effects on trees. More information about Imprelis, including EPA registration of the herbicide, is available at:
Q: What action has DuPont taken to comply with the OISC?
A: DuPont is implementing a voluntary suspension of sale of Imprelis® herbicide. More information is available at and at (866) 796-4783.
Q: Can I still apply Imprelis® herbicide in Indiana if I have some leftover?
A: No. The SSURO issued by OISC does not allow the continued use of existing Imprelis® herbicide.
Q: What do I do if I have leftover Imprelis® herbicide?
A: DuPont has stated that they will initiate a product return and refund program in mid-August 2011. More details about this will be shared when they become available.
Q: Where can I get more information from DuPont about Imprelis®?
A: Website ( and hotline ((866) 796-4783) are available.
Q: Where can I get more information from Purdue and the OISC about Imprelis®?
A: Read news alerts from the Office of Indiana State Chemist at, read more from the Purdue University Turf Program at, and received updates from the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory at
Read past documents created on July 22, 2011
A Homeowner’s Guide to Suspected Imprelis® Herbicide Injury in the Landscape
A Turf Professional’s Guide to Suspected Imprelis® Herbicide Injury in the Landscape
Aaron Patton, Turfgrass Extension Specialist
Step 1. In an area of suspected dead turf (brown areas), pull at the brown (dead) leaf blades.
Step 2. After pulling up some of the dead leaf blades, examine the ground closely and look for signs of new growth. All new turf growth comes from the crown of the plant (turf) and these crowns are located at or near the soil surface.
Step 3. If you find new turf emerging in these dead areas then that is good news that your turf will recover from drought and heat injury. If not, wait a few more weeks and reexamine these areas.
Q: What does this mean?
A: Product packaged before these changes can continue to be used according to label directions in cool season turf, but any Certainty® purchased in the future will be labeled only for use in warm-season turf like bermudagrass and zoysiagrass.
Q: Certainty® worked well on yellow nutsedge in Kentucky bluegrass, what should I use now?
A: Many herbicide options are available for sedge control in cool-season turf including bentazon (Basagran), LescoGran), halosulfuron (SedgeHammer, ProSedge, others), mesotrione (Tenacity), sulfentrazone (Dismiss), and sulfentrazone containing herbicides (Echelon, Q4 Plus, Solitare, Surge,TZONE).
Q: Certainty® was labeled for rough bluegrass control in Kentucky bluegrass and creeping bentgrass, what should I use now?
A: Velocity is the only other turf herbicide labeled for rough bluegrass control, but it is only labeled for sod and golf course use. Rough bluegrass control in residential and commercial lawns will now need to be controlled with non-selective applications of glyphosate.
Q: Certainty® was labeled for suppression and partial control of quackgrass. Are there alternatives for selective quackgrass control in cool-season turf?
A: No. Certainty® was the only herbicide labeled for selective control of quackgrass in cool-season turf (primarily Kentucky bluegrass). Quackgrass will now need to be controlled with non-selective applications of glyphosate.
Aaron Patton, Turfgrass Extension Specialist
For more information visit
Read a letter (click here) dated July 27, 2011 from Michael McDermott, Global Business Leader, DuPont Professional Products, which provides and update from DuPont on the issue in addition to the facts on their new website linked above.
The request is voluntary – initially requested on Wednesday, July 20 – and is targeting lawn irrigation in addition to other summer uses such as water for swimming pools, outdoor recreation, etc.
The water restrictions are not due to a shortage of water in this case but due to infrastructure challenges (water main breaks).A main reason for the request to stop watering lawns is to reduce the stress on the system and a concern on being able to maintain adequate pressure (for hydrants) in order to assist in the event of a major fire."
We published a few tips last week on how to deal with the high temperatures and drought. Two key points for managing lawns during this period are:Homeowners
Purdue University Press Release, Avoid use of herbicide Imprelis, Purdue experts advise
A Homeowner’s Guide to Suspected Imprelis® Herbicide Injury in the Landscape
Turf Professionals
Purdue University Press Release, Avoid use of herbicide Imprelis, Purdue experts advise
A Homeowner’s Guide to Suspected Imprelis® Herbicide Injury in the Landscape
A Turf Professional’s Guide to Suspected Imprelis® Herbicide Injury in the Landscape
News Alert from the Office of Indiana State Chemist, Imprelis Herbicide Injury to Landscape Trees & Ornamentals
A new posting has been added to Turfcast. See Turfcast ( ) to read more about this post and for a daily summary of risk for several turfgrass diseases.
Rick Latin, Turfgrass Pathologist
Damage from vehicle traffic on a drought stressed turf
Drought symptoms are visible right now.
Tall fescue clumps in a brown Kentucky bluegrass lawn under drought stress
Aaron Patton, Turfgrass Extension Specialist© 2009 ·Purdue Turf Tips by TNB, Blogger Blog Templates